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Mithila gained prominence after the establishment of the Videha Kingdom in ancient India. During the late Vedic period (c. 1100-500 BCE), Videha became one of the major political and cultural centers of South Asia, along with Kuru and… Medieval Europeans considered Asia as a continent, a distinct landmass. The European concept of the three continents in the Old World goes back to classical antiquity. Secondary education in Botswana is neither free nor compulsory. Rajasthan Geography in Hindi PDF Free Download: Download Geography Of Rajasthan Short Notes For RAS Exam Preparation.Clik Here To DownloadDownload Rajasthan Download Ncert History Book of Class - 6 TO 12 English language for UPSC civil Services / IFS / IES / ISS / CISF / CDS etc PDF of Ncert History book. The concepts of Geography need to be applied to questions related to Indian Readers can download the each of the notes as PDF for free using the 'print-pdf' . We have compiled a short notes PDF on Indian Geography with all its important…
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